Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lesson Plan in Math 6 (Integrated with Science)

Lesson Plan in Math 6 (Integrated with Science)

I. Objectives
At the end of the class, the pupils are expected to:
a. give the meaning of equation, exponent and base
b. evaluate expressions involving exponents
c. observe cleanliness and orderliness

II. Subject Matter
A. Equation, exponent and base
B. BEC PELC A.1.1.1; Soaring 21st Century Mathematics
C. pictures, encyclopedia, chalkboard
D. Cleanliness and Orderliness

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review/Drill
             Complete the table:
Word Phrases
Mathematical Expressions
Three divided by thirty-three
4 x 12 – (5 + 2)
(31 + 4 ) / 6

2. Motivation (Physical Response Task)
            Show pictures together with the following statements. Let the pupils identify if these are true or false. If true, pupils must stand. If false, they must remain seated.
a. The earth is perfectly round.
b. The sun also spins on its axis.
c. The hottest planet is Mercury.
d. The faster an object moves, the slower the time.
            Let pupils defend their answer. Relate that there are also statements in math that can be true or false.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
             Peter has to clean 4 windows from four rooms. How many windows does Peter have to clean?
Discuss the following questions:
1. Who cleaned the windows? Why do you think he has to clean windows? Why is cleanliness important?
Let pupils formulate mathematical expression to solve the problem.
Ask: What mathematical phrase can be used to solve the problem? What makes your sentence true? What sign is used to show that your sentence is true?
Discuss that a mathematical sentence showing equality is called equation.
Let pupils realize that 16 is the product of 4 x 4. Discuss that 4 x 4 can be expressed as 42. Explain to the pupils about base and exponent.

3. Exercise
Complete the equation.
1. 17 –  ___ =  4 + 5
2. ___2 = 5 x 5
3. ___3 = 83
            64 = 64
4. 96 - ___ = ___ + 24
              72 = 72
5. 1 + ___ + ___ = ___ x 1
                         6 = 6

4. Generalization
            What is equation? Exponent? Base?

C. Application
Write the equation for the problems. Make your equation true.
1. Susie plans to have a rectangular flower box which measures 3m by 4m. What should be the area of the flower box?
2. A bacterium splits into 2 at a certain size. With such situation, the bacteria will have six splitting.
3. An order from a fastfood costs $60 with $3 VAT and a delivery fee of $10 each. Five friends each made the order.

IV. Evaluation
A. Complete the equation to make a true statement.
1. $150 - ___ = $65
2. ___3 = 3 x 9
3. 9 x ___ = ___ x 27
            54 = 54
4. 96 ÷ ___ = 16 x ___
               32 = 32
5. 91 ÷ ___ = 6 + ___
               13 = 13
B. Complete the table.

Expanded Form
1. 25
2. 34
3. 42
4. 102
5. 152

V. Assignment
Write an equation about the problem and make your statement true.

            Margaux is 50 years old. Her age is 5 times the age of her son. How old is her son?

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