Sunday, July 4, 2021


    Good day everyone! I am truly honoured and thankful to share this achievement with our family, friends and fellow Batch 2021 graduates.


            Losing the last of our elementary year to the pandemic was not what we had planned. It is certainly an experience that will impact our lives forever and a memory that we will never, ever forget. Studying and learning new lessons is challenging enough with the help of our wonderful teachers. With the added responsibilities of helping at the house, and other circumstances that come with being at home, it seemed impossible to keep up with the modules. We had to face a multitude of barriers. But with our unrelenting will to succeed, despite all of the setbacks and obstacles, our drive, our perseverance, and our will power to endure are stronger than any obstacles that come our way.


These uncertain times have brought challenges for us, but they have also brought us important lessons, far more than those from the modules and activity sheets. Although this pandemic has taken many things from us, it has also given us the opportunity to highlight what is truly important.  The change to focus on appreciation, gratitude, support and collaboration. We are the batch that started a crusade that expressed a heightened appreciation for teachers, healthcare professionals, and all essential workers who risk their lives everyday so we can stay safe and healthy.

To our family, friends, and teachers, words are not enough to express our appreciation and gratitude during this school year. As long as you are here for us, and with the grace of God, we can surpass everything and can move mountains.

To my fellow graduates, we all deserve to celebrate and be proud of ourselves. It is saddening that we cannot have a traditional graduation ceremony and we cannot control the circumstances that we face today. But what we can do is choose how we respond to it as we take these next steps in life. It can be hard to imagine what life could look like as time progresses. The only certainty we have is that time goes on. We can use the pandemic as an excuse for why we can't move on in life, or we can use it as a motivator to find our purpose.

All of the things that we have been through up to this point make us who we are, and the best part is, we are not done yet. We will continue to experience things and make memories every day that mold us to who we truly are and who we are meant to become. 

Now, as we step into the next stage and start to reach our goals, there will be harder challenges to overcome. But our willpower has been proven irrevocable. Never forget fellow graduates, that as long as we keep our diligence and determination, we are an unstoppable force.

Move forward Batch 2021! Together, we will survive this pandemic.

Congratulations to all of us!

Disclaimer: The contents of this sample were stitched and adapted from various authors from the internet. You may modify this based on your context. Intellectual credits are given to the rightful owners/authors.


 Almighty God:

We are thankful for Your never-ending blessings and protection

As we are about to celebrate our achievement for this school year.

We celebrate your presence in our lives

through the love and support of our family;

our parents, siblings and relatives who guided us;

Our dear teachers, who may be physically distant,

have always made their presence felt;

And our classmates and friends

who supported us during this journey

We are grateful for all who have made this moment possible.



We pray for our teachers, principal, school authorities and staff

In their vocation as educators, they continue the teaching ministry of Christ.

We pray for your blessings over their lives, their work, and their families.

Guide them with your wisdom.

May they be empowered by your Spirit

to continue seeing the needs of their learners

and inspiring those under their care.


We pray for our parents, guardians, and relatives.

They faced this new and unprecedented challenge

of teaching us in our homes.

They have to make decisions that require your wisdom,

understanding and insight.

When they feel overwhelmed, be present in their lives.

Strengthen them from within,

so that they may be a source of strength,

confidence, and hope for us.



As we pursue education in the midst of the pandemic, enlighten our minds.

May we grow in grace and wisdom.

In areas we lack, provide us knowledge, understanding,

counsel, and fortitude.

Keep us safe from all illnesses and protect us all from harm.


We ask you to continue giving us strength

as we journey into unknown futures complicated by pandemic.

We pray for protection, for your covering,

that you would surround our lives with your Holy Shield.

Our world is currently anxious, fearful and uncertain.

We pray that you will fill us with courage and strength,

that we may also bring light to our family,

friends and neighbors in this uncertain time.


We ask all these things,

through Christ our greatest teacher.


Disclaimer: The contents of this sample were stitched and adapted from various authors from the internet. You may modify this based on your context. Intellectual credits are given to the rightful owners/authors.



       Honored guests, teachers, parents, friends, my fellow ABIS learners, a pleasant day to all of us. On behalf of Batch 2021, it is with great pleasure to welcome you in our very first Virtual Closing Exercises.

Let me start by wishing everyone the best of health and safety in these difficult times. I would also like to express my utmost gratitude to all our front liners who are serving selflessly in this global health crisis.

At the start of the school year, we honestly do not know how this year will unfold. This new learning set-up was very new; for us learners, for our parents, and even for our teachers. We had to learn with our teachers not physically being there for us. Our parents, who were preoccupied with the typical family chores, had to face this new challenge of teaching us in our homes. And at times, we had to learn our lessons on our own.  These challenges we faced amidst this pandemic only signifies the need for diligence and perseverance on our part. And this moment testifies all our hard work and determination. That in spite all the odds, we survived this school year.

Like all of you, I also miss the usual face-to-face graduation ceremony this year. And we are not alone. Across the world, this pandemic has forced learners to be out of school. For most of us, we are hopeful that this is just temporary. And we will overcome this. This pandemic is only a stumbling block of our journey but we must continue going forward. We will continue our education and follow our dreams.

Our heartfelt appreciation to our parents, guardians and relatives who are celebrating with us in this momentous occasion. Thank you for letting us feel how important we are and for valuing our education. Thank you for guiding us to the extent of your knowledge and capability.  

Thank you too, to our teachers at A. Bonifacio Integrated School. What a brilliant, dedicated group of people who put us, their learners, first. Thank you for doing the extra step to contact us and our parents, to help us solve a problem, to accomplish activities in the modules, and to keep in touch and make connections. We hope that you feel how much we care and value your help to us.

To my fellow graduates and completers, we have made it through a school year with challenges and changes that we never could have imagined. We all have learned a lot about ourselves in the past ten months — and those lessons will be important for our future. I hope that we will keep this resilience, flexibility, and willingness as we continue to embark our educational journey in these uncertain times. May we remain committed to continue learning, and be patient in making the very best out of this unexpected and challenging scenario.

            Congratulations A. Bonifacio Integrated School Batch 2021!


            Once again, welcome to this virtual closing ceremony and a blessed day to all of us.

Disclaimer: The contents of this sample were stitched and adapted from various authors from the internet. You may modify this based on your context. Intellectual credits are given to the rightful owners/authors.