Thursday, September 16, 2010

Focusing Inquiry

This integrative teaching strategy uses questions in which the teachers guide the learners in discovering the answers. It emphasizes inquiry, the investigative process that must be developed among learners rather than on the content.

This strategy is said to be in cycle. Cycle in a sense that as learners search for answers, they generate questions as well. This process will enable learners to develop higher ordered thinking skills that they can use in real life situations.

The process of focusing inquiry is more of asking and asking questions. Take note however, that it is the role of the teacher to guide the learners for them to arrive to the correct answer.

The steps include the following:

1. Frame focusing questions. These include drawing out prior knowledge.

2. Present information. What, Where, When, Why, How, etc

3. Connect or relate information. Evaluate, predict, infer, interpret, give meaning, etc

4. Guide learners for generalization or conclusion

5. Help learners find answers


  1. thank you for sharing these, do you have a TLE Lesson plan sample that uses the focusing inquiry strategy?

  2. thank you for sharing these, do you have a TLE Lesson plan sample that uses the focusing inquiry strategy?

  3. thank you for sharing these, do you have a TLE Lesson plan sample that uses the focusing inquiry strategy?

  4. Thanks for sharing :) But can you explain further/elaborate more the following steps for inquiry process please? Thanks.

  5. do you have a mathematics lesson plan that uses focusing inquiry?
