Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lesson Plan in Math 6 (Integrated with Science)

Lesson Plan in Math 6 (Integrated with Science)

I. Objectives
At the end of the class, the pupils are expected to:
a. compare dissimilar fractions using different methods
b. identify which fraction is greater or less than the other or if the fractions are equal
c. take care of planet Earth

II. Subject Matter
A. Comparing Fractions
B. BEC PELC g.10; Mathematics for Everyday Use 6 pp. 68-70
C. chart, paper strips, chalkboard
D. Care for planet Earth

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Motivation
             Ask: What are the eight planets of the solar system?
                       What planet is the largest? The smallest?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Present the following problem:
            Venus is approximately 9/10 the size of the Earth while Mars is 7/13 the size of the Earth.
            Which planet is bigger?
Discuss among the pupils their guesses. Let them rationalize their answer.
Provide various methods to test their answers:
Method 1: Paper Strips
Method 2: Cross Multiplication
Method 3: Rewriting fractions to similar fractions
Let pupils choose their preferred method to compare fractions.

Relate values infusion to the lesson. Discuss that Venus is once believed to be habitable planet but due to extremely great amount of greenhouses gases present in the planet, it became the hottest planet in the solar system.
            Ask: What do you think will happen to Earth if greenhouse gases will continue to increase in our atmosphere? How can we minimize greenhouse gases in our atmosphere?
2. Exercise
Compare the fractions. Encircle the larger fraction.
1) 3/5,7/8
2) 9/17, 5/15
3) 8/10, 4/11
4) 2/5, 6/7
5) 9/13, 2/5
6) 3/4, 5/7
7) 8/7, 6/5
8) 1/3, 2/4
9) 3/7, 4/11
10) 8/12, 2/6

3. Generalization
            How do we compare dissimilar fractions? What are the different methods in comparing fractions?

C. Application  
Consider the following problem:
            Barangay Kalikasan planted 3/5 of the forestland with tree seedlings while Barangay Kalinisan planted 6/10 of the area. Which barangay planted the wider area?

IV. Evaluation
Compare the following pair of fractions by writing <,> or =.
1) 6/3 ___ 3/7
2) 5/8 ___ 5/14
3) 4/9 ___ 7/6
4) 2/10 ___ 9/12
5) 1/2 ___ 2/4
6) 3/4 ___ 4/8
7) 4/6 ___ 6/5
8) 5/8 ___ 8/10
9) 6/9 ___ 7/8
10) 7/13 ___ 11/16

V. Assignment
            Box the smaller fraction. Try to look for pattern.
1) 2/5, 2/8
2) 4/12, 3/12
3) 4/9, 4/6
4) 8/13, 12/13

5) 15/20, 15/17

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