Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas Party 2014

    I think Christmas Party is the most anticipated school activity in the whole school year beside Graduation Day. I know this because pupils save money as early as September just to buy new clothes or shoes. As a class adviser, I always see to it that our Christmas Party is as memorable as possible since my pupils are in Grade 6 and this would be their last party in their elementary school days.

     I was very glad that almost all my pupils attended with one who was sick. One of my pupils initially didn't want to attend because he didn't have new clothes plus he was shy because he couldn't bring any food to be shared to the class. However, I asked some of my pupils to fetch him at his home so I was happy that he was able to attend.
    Our party this year was really fun. We did a lot of parlor games and talent showdown. Though it is quite tiring, our party lasted for the whole day, while other sections usually ended before lunch.

Here are some of the pictures:

Gifts and Food...

Parlor games!!!

Our grade 6 pupils with their robotic dance....They were so cool....hehehe

Though I'm not as cute as my pupil I was glad that I was able to have a picture with Detective Conan...hahaha..why do I always see my pupils as anime characters??? hahahah

Class picture....


Monday, December 15, 2014

Lesson Plan in Math 5 (Integrated with MSEP)

Lesson Plan in Math (Integrated with MSEP)

I. Objectives
At the end of the class, the pupils are expected to:
a. compare and order decimals through ten thousandths
b. round decimals through ten thousandths
c. show sportmanship

II. Subject Matter
A. Comparing and Ordering Decimals
C. activity sheets
D. Sportsmanship

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review/Drill (Group Game)
Group the class into 5 groups.
Each member will be given cards with numbers.
With a go signal, the groups must compete to arrange themselves either in ascending or descending order.  The first group to arrange themselves correctly gets a point. The game is best of 10.

2. Motivation
             Discuss to the pupils about the Olympic Games, why it was started and its goals.
            Ask the pupils about any sports events they know about and the Filipinos who have competed in the games.
            Inculcate the importance of sportsmanship in any sporting event.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
             In the diving event, the following scores were presented. The ratings were as follows:
                        United Kingdom …..92.9942
                        United States……….92.9994
            Who do you think won the event?

Have the pupils order the scores from highest to lowest.
Ask: How did we order the scores? How do we compare decimals?
Explain that comparing decimals is like comparing whole numbers. A decimal is greater than the other if the digit is greater in the same place value. In ordering decimals, have the pupils familiarize the term ascending and descending to correctly order the decimals.

            Present another scenario.
Ask: Supposing that scores are rounded in the nearest thousandths, who do you think wins? Will there be a tie?
Discuss the general rule in rounding decimals.

3. Exercise
Compare the following decimals by writing <, >,or =.
1. 0.945 ___ 0.954
2. 0.00195 ___ 0.195
3. 0.344 ___ 0.3545
Order the following decimals in ascending order.
4. 0.254, 0.342, 0.256
5. 0.123, 0.132, 0.133, 0.121
6. 1.23, 2.13, 2.21, 1.21
Round the decimals to the nearest indicated place value.
7. 2.457- hundredths
8. 3.00945- thousandths
9. 0.03453- ten thousandths
10. 0.193424- tenths

4. Generalization
            How to we compare decimals? What do we mean when we order decimals in ascending order? In descending order? How do we round decimals?

C. Application
1. Rank the athletes from fastest to slowest.
Jamaica………….10.2503 sec
South Africa……..10.2443 sec
China…………….10.2346 sec
Philippines……….10.2439 sec
Kenya…………….10.2021 sec
Cuba...……………10.2212 sec

IV. Evaluation
A. Write <, > or = to compare the decimals.
1. 2.57 ___ 2.507
2. 0.009 ____ 0.0090
3. 34.45 ___ 34. 4505
4. 1.14 ___ 1. 014
5. 0.9 ___ 0.90
B. Round the following decimals to the nearest indicated place value.
1. 0.95 – tenths
2. 1.2356 – hundredths
3. 67.09 – tenths
4. 2.23794 – ten thousandths
5. 56.9899 – thousandths

V. Assignment
            Round 1.2857362 to the nearest tenths, hundredths, thousandths and ten thousandths. Write your answers to a ¼ sheet of pad paper.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Classroom Posters: Quotes about Love

    Love quotes inside the classroom? I dunno...hehehe...just want to post these...hehehe

Properties of Assessment Methods

    Assessment methods should possess qualities in order to be efficient in reflecting students’ performance. It is very important for assessment methods to have these qualities since these are means for the teacher to obtain data and information about each student’s extent of learning. If these are not present, then the evaluation and assessment would be questionable. It will also not give clear answers as to whether or not instructional objectives and goals were met
Generally, assessment methods should possess the following:
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Fairness
d. Practicality and Efficiency

Validity is perhaps the most important thing to be taken into account in preparing or selecting an instrument to be used in assessment. Of course, as teachers, we would first and foremost want that the data or information we get in using an instrument should serve its purpose.
    For example, a teacher wants to know if his approach in presenting a math lesson effective in improving the mathematics ability of his students. Of course, the teacher would give a test, perhaps making the students solve a series of problems, in order to assess the extent of mathematical ability of his students.   For his test to be valid and to truly reflect the mathematical ability of his students, the test should provide enough samples of the types of word problems covered in his instructional objectives. If the teacher will only give easy problems or only very difficult ones, or only problems involving just one part of the lesson, the test will not provide enough data and information that can lead to valid conclusions.  
      Specifically, if the unit is all about “Addition of Fractions” and with a general objective that students should be able to add all kinds of fractions, will a test with only questions or problems involving adding similar fraction considered valid? Of course, No. This is an example of content validity. For the test to have content validity, a teacher should consider that students have enough experience with the task posed by the items. The teacher should also cover necessary material and how this material given a degree of emphasis for the students to answer the items or questions correctly.
      The other aspect of content validation includes format of the instrument. This involves the clarity of printing, size of type, adequacy of work space (if needed), appropriateness of language, clarity of directions, and so on. Regardless of the sufficiency of the questions in a test, if they are given in an inappropriate manner, a teacher still cannot obtain valid results. For example, if a test in English for grade 6 uses words that are for college level, then the test would still not give valid results. Thus, it is also important that the characteristics of the intended sample be kept in mind.
    Aside from content validity, there are also criterion validity and construct validity. Criterion validity refers to the degree to which information provided by a test agrees with information obtained on other, independent test. There is usually a criterion, or a standard for judging, based on another instrument against which scores on an instrument can be checked. Construct validity, on the other hand refers to the degree to which the totality of evidence obtained is consistent with theoretical expectations.

This means that there should be consistency on the scores retrieved from the students using the same instrument or test. This refers to how dependable or stable the instrument is for each individual from one administration of an instrument to another and from one set of items to another.
For example, a teacher gives a test intended to measure comprehension skills. If the test is reliable, we would expect that students who receive a high score the first time they take the test to receive a high score the next time they take the test. The scores would not necessarily be identical, but they should be close.
However, the scores retrieved from a test can be reliable but not always valid. Furthermore, a test that gives unreliable scores cannot provide valid inferences. If scores are entirely inconsistent for a person, they provide no valuable information. There is no way of knowing which score to use to infer an individual’s ability, attitude, or other characteristic.
Generally, the relationship between reliability and validity is as follows:
a. Reliability and validity always depend on the context in which an instrument is used. Depending on the context, an instrument may or may not yield reliable or consistent scores.
b. If the data are unreliable, they cannot lead to valid and legitimate inferences
c. As reliability improves, validity may improve, or it may not.
d. An instrument may have good reliability but low validity,
e. What is desired, of course, is that test should both have high reliability and high validity.

          Fairness in the context of assessment could be described in various ways. For assessment to be fair, teachers should inform students about the goals and objectives of the assessment and what methods of assessment will be used. They also should tell the students how their progress will be evaluated in order for them to organize and manage their resources like time and effort. This is the reason why most of the teachers, at the beginning of the school year, discuss the grading system and how will they assess and evaluate the students in their subject.
          Fairness also involves the idea that assessment is done not to discriminate learners. The purpose is to measure the extent of learning and not to judge the learner.
          Assessment should as well free from biases and prejudices held by the assessor or the teacher. For example, a naughty child shouldn’t be given low grades in Math just for the main reason of his behavior and not his mathematical ability (author: guilty…hehehe). Teachers should also avoid stereotyping like girls are better in language while boys excel more in Mathematics. Also, favoritism should be avoided to avoid halo effect or the tendency for the teacher to give favor and more consideration to the students whom they prefer as compared to other students.

Practicality and Efficiency
          Assessment is practical and efficient if first, the teacher has the competence to administer it. It also should be implementable and does not require too much time or resources. It shouldn’t be too complicated which may cause difficulty in scoring and misinterpretation of the results. This may also cause the assessment to be inefficient since it would require a lot of time for feedback which is actually very important in drawing out significant conclusions.
          For example, a teacher would give a test administered only using only tablets. This may sound practical to affluent schools but if this would be imposed to a school where students belong in low income families, then this method of assessment is considered impractical and inefficient. Again, it is important that the characteristics of the intended sample be kept in mind.

P.S. Wew. I'm not that good with assessment, research, statistics, etc...so a lot of brain juices were used for this post….hehe…I did a lot of contextualizing to make this as comprehensible and as simple as possible. I should mention my references to give credit to the authors and to just let you know that I didn’t just surmise what I have written here…hehehe

De Guzman-Santos, Rosita (2007). Advanced methods in educational assessment and evaluation. Assessment of learning 2. Lorimar Publishing:Quezon City
Fraenkel, Jack R., Wallen, Norman E., Hyun, Helen H. (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education. Eighth edition. Mcgraw-Hill: New York

Lesson Plan in Math 6 (Multiplying Decimals)

Lesson Plan in Math 6 (Integrated with Science)

I. Objectives
At the end of the class, the pupils are expected to:
a. multiply decimals with five digits by two digits
b. place the decimal point correctly in the product
c. Persevere in one’s endeavor

II. Subject Matter
A. Multiplication of Decimals (5 digits by 2 digits)
B. BEC PELC I. 1.1; Mathematics for Everyday Life pp. 134-135
C. flashcard, chart, chalkboard
D. Perseverance

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
            Give the product of the following:
            1) 256 x 35                  2) 8, 456 x 2                3) 12, 567 x 23                        4) 3, 893 x 89
2. Motivation
            Ask: Which travels faster? Light or sound? How can we observe which of the two is faster?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
            Discuss that light travels faster than sound. Encourage sharing of students’ ideas.
            Ask: What are things you have observed proving that light travels faster than sound?
          If you see fireworks in the sky, what will you observe first? The light or the sound coming    
          from the fireworks?
Introduce the following problem:
            Sound travles through air at a rate of one meter per 0.00301 seconds. How long will sound travel through 3.5 meters?
            Discuss the heuristics in multiplying decimals.
Remind students that the decimal point does not necessarily have to be aligned like in adding or subtracting decimals.
Place the decimal point on the product. Allow students to discover how was the decimal point placed in the product.

2. Exercise
1) 0.3148 x 0.73
2) 1.2953 x 0.45
3) 56.78 x 0.21
4) 0.32341 x 1.3
5) 5.2332 x 25

3. Generalization
             Ask: How do we multiply decimals?
                      How do we determine the correct placement of the decimal point in the product?

C. Application
Present the following scenario:
             Liza can swim 0.124 foot in one second. How far can she swim in 0.25 minute?
 (Note: 60 seconds=1 minute)
Discuss the problem to the class.
Ask: Do you think Liza can still improve her swimming speed?
        What must she do to improve?
        Why do you think Liza reached that achievement? Did she persevere?

IV. Evaluation
Give the product.
1) 0.3149 x 0.43
2) 1.4543 x 3.7
3) 98.434 x .08
4) 0.78685 x 0.12
5) 5468.9 x 0.35

V. Assignment
Analyze and solve:
            Mrs. Mendoza’s farm is 0.349 kilometer long and 2.83 kilometer wide. What is the area of the farm?

 Prepared by:

Teacher I
A. Bonifacio Elementary School